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Technology Overview

Technology Overview


The STEREOFLEXOGRAPHY hardware (summary and photos of the prototype, below) , developed , for , new ,generation , flexo prepress equipment, which originated TETRASTICH software platform, have their patents filed in the PCT and USPTO, and published links Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch- 

The Tetrastich Screening Process * is a new platform That is going to enable the solution of the main problems existing in the old Rosette Pattern with dots aligned in angles of varied sizes with AM (Amplitude Modulated) and in the Stochastic, with dots Placed randomly of the same size, FM (Frequency Modulated), BOTH, in Their respective screenings of four subtractive colors CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black).
In 1982 Gerhard Fischer, already in the digital age, patented the first algorithm to produce screenings with dots of the same size randomly distributed (FM), with the objective of solving the problems by Caused the Rosette and Moiré effects, seen in the polychromatic reproductions of halftone, aggravated by incorrect angles of the screenings and / or deficiency in the inks. One of the palliative to solve These problems was the development of AM / FM Screening que mixes BOTH processes in a complementary form, without adding substantial advantages or Eliminating the deficiencies seen in both.
Nowadays, the laser spots generated in the Computer to Film (TFC) and in the Computer to Plate (CtP), all assume the imaginable dots forms, with varied sizes or of the size same, in angles or randomly, Placed without greater operational problems in Their respective CMYK screenings. However, the difficulty in diagnosing Their main problems does not allow to identify and to compare Which One of These intricate screenings offers the best quality of impression.


Improvement to the photopolymers in catalysis for the flexographic printing plates and stamp of sectors, by exposing the photopolymer plate, only, by the bottom face, and simultaneous to two different levels of radiation; the lower, to catalyze the base of the relief and the maximum, to catalyze the printing relief, emitted by radiation device, polarized by filter, Which uses the negative film Whose black area is Replaced by halftone Thereby Originating the low radiation level, and keeping its transparent area, Originating Thereby the maximum radiation level, thickeningthe base of the sharpening and the top dot of the dot, Thereby Eliminating the 'dot droop' and the 'dot gain', respectivamente; or Which uses optic semiconductors, Which digitally modulate the radiation in a fixed way for the stamp sector,

Below, the first 3D printer prototype developed in Brazil, in 2001 
(below the first prototype 3D printer developed in Brazil in 2001)


The production of clean energy is the great human challenge to provide better conditions of economic and social development to the planet Earth.  With its energy matrix based on hydroelectricity, Brazil faces constant demand for increased supply or availability of electric energy to ensure the country's development with the objective of providing the population with the fundamental conditions for the democratic and economic evolution of society.

The Brazilian energy demand surpasses supply. In his rescue coal is burned, natural gas and diesel oil. Therefore our country and why not tell the world, are becoming increasingly sick and polluted. But there is a way to reverse this world scenario:

Utilizing the flow of river waters into its natural bed, Softech Innovations and  Intangibles Ltda developed in Brazil an electric power generation technology with turbines, called PCHH - Small Horizontal Hydroelectric generates energy at a low cost, quickly installed and does not cause any damage to the environment.  environment. For the generation of electric energy, the PCHH turbine system after positioned in the transverse direction of the river and between the ravines, forms a reservoir flexible in proportion to its size.

The water column formed and retained in front of the turbine system added to the flow  of the river in m³ / sec. when it passes through the turbine it is transformed into mechanical
subsequently in electrical energy. The Softech PCHH system is applying for a worldwide patent application in the PCT. Its advantages are:

• Be modular, therefore requiring lower investments than other technologies;
• Adjusts the various widths and depths of rivers;
• It does not need a fixed dam;






The SOFTECH eolic project is equipped with a vertical axis in suspense by magnetic forces (supermagnets Neodimio) thus avoiding friction during rotation and allowing rotation even during absence of wind and in such a way prolongs the generation of energy for a considerable amout of time.

This kind of modified, regenerative  flywheel which, like the classical water wheel takes on a new dimension supported by 2 patentable principles.

One principal in action can be observed in attachment #4 where the first stage of a model which the inventor calls BOBINOIDES is in action in his lab.

The principal advantage of the LEVITURB is to take full advantage of the aero-dynamic drag together with the low pressure the turbine generates at the back and in such a way creates much more energy than with a conventional eolic turbine under the same wind conditions.


SOFTECH can rely on an industrial park located  in Araial do Cabo about 160 km from Rio de Janeiro. SOFTECH can take advantage of the available infrastructure which includes industrial constructions which could be used for assembly lines  when construction begins for PCHH and LEVITURB. A harbor is available in the neigborhood which can accomodate Panamax shipping and its international airport is conveniently close.

On the world market one MW installed is offered at US$ 1,7 Million. This is the medium price from classical eolic plants and hydro- electric plants. Using our SOFTECH technologies we can offer already the first year the MW at US$ 800 Thousand. After 5 years we could reduce the price of the MW to US$ 500 Thousand.

Profits should not be made by selling PCHH and LEVITURB technologies in containers to the different countries worldwide but to sell energy produced by PCHH and LEVITURB technologies to local comsumers at a large discount all over the world.

Thanks to the technical similarities between PCHH and LEVITURB it will be advantageous to produce and assemble both technologies under one roof and in such a way economize on investments and infrastructure.